About ArtMusicWorks:

Launched on October 5, 2019, artmusicworks.com is on its 2nd year with a vision to contribute concise, useful, educational content and entertain readers. Its business side, link to global streaming platforms or shop makes it a serious hobby.

Creative Alliance page was launched on Dec. 17, 2020.  It is the resource links of talented colleagues and friends who share the same interest.  

The site is NOT for everyone. It is only for those who care about ART in selected forms as shown here. 

Content & Site Mistress:

My name is Ann, foundress of this site -- an avid learner, creativist, D.I.Y. indie musician (by hobby) and primarily a Design Professional from the Philippines. I was clinically diagnosed "Type-A" after having problem with my retina almost a decade ago. But I'm fine now.

contribute my art & music in this site.  Being fond of learning things just like everyone else, the skill should be constantly practiced, shared and be a medium to touch lives.  This is my core reason for running this web. My lifetime  hero inspires me constantly to never stop improving on what I do. The whole process includes waging war with my lizard brain.  :) So, wish me well! 

Now Page:

What am I currently up to and my priorities?  Visit my NOW page.

Keep in touch:
If you want to reach out to me personally.  Email is better than social media.  Send your messages to:

Thank you!